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LA 1 Period 2 Assignments

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FINAL EXAM Project/Presentation (in class 6/2 - 6/8) in Google Classroom

FINAL EXAM Project/Presentation (in class 6/2 - 6/8)


One Slider The Odyssey  in Google Classroom

One Slider The Odyssey


Books 21-23 The Odyssey (in class 5/30-6/1) in Google Classroom

Books 21-23 The Odyssey (in class 5/30-6/1)


Books 11 & 12 Study Guide (in class 5/24-5/25) in Google Classroom

Books 11 & 12 Study Guide (in class 5/24-5/25)

Book 11 = Wednesday in class
Book 12 = Thursday in class


Book 10 Study Guide  in Google Classroom

Book 10 Study Guide

Make a copy of the digital Study Guide for Book 10. Attach and complete.


Book 9 SG (In class 5/18 - 5/19) in Google Classroom

Book 9 SG (In class 5/18 - 5/19)


Book 5 SG (in class 5/17) in Google Classroom

Book 5 SG (in class 5/17)

Make a copy of the Socratic Seminar slides. When you finish reading Book 5, follow the instructions for slides 2-3.


Odyssey Intro Hyperdoc (in class 5/12) in Google Classroom

Odyssey Intro Hyperdoc (in class 5/12)

Make a copy of the notes page to fill in. Use the Hypderdoc to navigate to each section. You may work in any order you choose. If you do not finish, it will be HW due Tuesday.


The Odyssey Background + SG Books 1-2 (in class 5/15 - 5/16) in Google Classroom

The Odyssey Background + SG Books 1-2 (in class 5/15 - 5/16)

Use the links below to read and complete the Study Guide intro digitally. You need to have your own copy of the digital document.


Greek Mythology Research (in class 5/8-5/9) in Google Classroom

Greek Mythology Research (in class 5/8-5/9)

Due IN CLASS Tuesday (you will likely have class time to finish on Tuesday).


Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes (in class 5/4) in Google Classroom

Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes (in class 5/4)


Creative Writing: Write a Vignette (in class 4/28) in Google Classroom

Creative Writing: Write a Vignette (in class 4/28)

Choose ONE of the prompts in the slideshow. Type your vignette on a Google Doc.


HW DUE FRIDAY 4/14: Favorite Song Lyrics in Google Classroom

HW DUE FRIDAY 4/14: Favorite Song Lyrics

Choose a favorite song (must be school appropriate, clean version, Granny can bop her sweet lil head to, not smack you upside the head for the trash you listen to). 

Copy and paste the lyrics on a Google Doc for Friday's in-class activity. If you don't have a song by Friday. Ms. Tingley will choose one for you. (Yes, it will be a country song. No, you won't like it.)


"The Lady or the Tiger" (in class 4/10) in Google Classroom

"The Lady or the Tiger" (in class 4/10)

Hi Scholars! Sorry that I'm not with you today. I hope to be back tomorrow! Today you will read "The Lady or the Tiger" short story (attached) and answer the close read questions. You can also find the story on StudySync online if you want to access an audio version. If you choose to work with a partner, you need ONE copy of the close read questions and I need to be able to see BOTH of you edit the document--that means you are both participating. Otherwise, only one will earn points. Questions are HW if unfinished in class.


Romeo and Juliet In-Class Essay in Google Classroom

Romeo and Juliet In-Class Essay

You will have at least 2 class periods to type your essay. Essays will be due (regardless of whether you are present in class or not) on Thursday, March 30. Late essays will be charged late points.


R&J EQ Tracker  in Google Classroom

R&J EQ Tracker

Evidence that a character is to blame (include Act. Scene. Line):
--Capulet: “Content thee, gentle coz, let him [Romeo] alone./…Verona brags of him/ To be a virtuous and well-governed youth./ I would not for the wealth of all this town/ Here in my house do him disparagement./ Therefore be patient; take no note of him” (1. 5. 68-73).   
-Tybalt sees Romeo at the party and wants to kill him
-Capulet says…
-Capulet is to blame because….

Evidence that Romeo’s or Juliet’s underdeveloped prefrontal cortex is to blame (include Act. Scene. Line):
-->Romeo: “ I fear too early; for my mind misgives/ Some consequence yet hanging in the stars/ Shall bitterly begin his fearful date…/ By some vile forfeit of untimely death. / But he that hath the steerage of my course / Direct my sail!” (1. 4. 107-113). 

--> Romeo: “Did my heart love till now? Foresweare it sight!/ For I never saw true beauty till this night” (1. 5. 54-55)


Act 3 Conflict Analysis  in Google Classroom

Act 3 Conflict Analysis

Work in a small group. One person makes a copy, attaches and shares with everyone.

Private comment your partner's name who turned in the slideshow.


R&J Acts 1-3 Newspaper Article  in Google Classroom

R&J Acts 1-3 Newspaper Article

Follow the instructions on the slideshow. Your final slide should be ONE slide long.


Storyboard That Act 1-2 in Google Classroom

Storyboard That Act 1-2


Shakespeare Introductory Webquest (in class 2/10) in Google Classroom

Shakespeare Introductory Webquest (in class 2/10)

Use the links to access information about Shakespeare. Answer the questions in a different color. You may work individually or with a partner. 

Please PRIVATE COMMENT your partner's name.


TKAM Essay (+ Organizer Notes from Class) in class 1/19 - 1/24 in Google Classroom

TKAM Essay (+ Organizer Notes from Class) in class 1/19 - 1/24


TKAM EQ Tracker in Google Classroom

TKAM EQ Tracker

As we read, it is your responsibility t add quotes and explanations to your EQ Tracker. Some classwork notes will be provided/attached if you were absent. This is essential for your TKAM essay in January, so stay on task!


End of Semester Grade Check (in class 1/11) in Google Classroom

End of Semester Grade Check (in class 1/11)

Make a copy and complete the grade check. Use this time to ask Ms. Tingley any questions about missing work and devise a study plan for yourself.


Ch. 3 Close Read (from StudySync textbook) in class 12/1 in Google Classroom

Ch. 3 Close Read (from StudySync textbook) in class 12/1


Dreams Essay (in class 11/4 - 11/8) in Google Classroom

Dreams Essay (in class 11/4 - 11/8)

Use the slides template below to help you write your essay. Use your notes from the essay organizer we completed in class (sample attached) to type your essay. 

MLA Format required. Times New Roman size 12, double space


OMAM Chapter Tracker Notes in Google Classroom

OMAM Chapter Tracker Notes

We will complete most of these in class, but if you do not finish or are absent, you are responsible for reading the assigned chapter that day and completing the appropriate slide.


EQ Tracker Dreams and Aspirations  in Google Classroom

EQ Tracker Dreams and Aspirations

Ch. 1
“‘O.K. Someday--we’re gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an’ a cow and some pigs and--’ ‘An’ live of the fatta the land…An’ have rabbits’” (Steinbeck 14). 

Ch. 2 pg. 34 or 36

Ch. 3 
“Candy said, ‘I ain’t much good with only one hand. I lost my right hand here on this ranch…S’pose I went in with you guys. That’s three hundred and fifty bucks I’d put in. I ain’t much good, but I could cook and tend the chickens and hoe the garden some’” (Steinbeck 59). 

Ch. 4
Crooks says, “‘...If you…guys would want a hand to work for nothing--just his keep, why I’d come and lend a hand. I ain’t so crippled I can’t work…’” (Steinbeck 76). 

“‘I didn’t mean it. Just foolin. I wouldn’t want to go no place like that [farm]’” (Stenbeck 83).

Ch. 5
“‘Another time I met a guy and he was in pictures…He says he was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural…Coulda been in the movies, and had nice clothes…and coulda sat in those big hotels and had pictures took of me’” (Steinbeck 88-89).

Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” (Jefferson par. 2).

-everyone is equal (all humanity) according to God
-rights come from God = human rights,  unchangeable by people 
-rights = to be able to do certain things, have freedom, privilege 

“That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States…the connection between them and the State of Great Britain is and out to be totally dissolved” (Jefferson par. 32).
-separation from Britain 
-13 Free Colonies will eventually become the United States of America 

"Joy Luck Club" 

“‘Of course you can be prodigy (exceptional child), too’ my mother told me when I was nine. ‘You can be best anything’” (Tan 33).

-mother’s dreams = daughter best she can be
-if the mother lost something in her previous life, she can relive it through her daughter = family fame
- creates pressure for the daughter herself; impact the mother’s and daughter’s relationship negatively (stress) 

2nd evidence done on your own (maybe about the Daughter’s dream? This one is done on your own_ 

Notes done on your own 

“And after seeing, once again, my mother’s disappointed face, something inside me began to die…And then I saw what seemed to be the prodigy inside of me…The girl staring back at me was angry, powerful. She and I were the same” (Tan 35).

-daughter is broken b/c she will never live up to mom’s dreams
-BUT she realizes she is powerful on her own
-she knows she can live her own dream, and her mom can support her

"The Necklace"

“She had no gowns, no jewels, nothing. And she loved nothing but that. She felt made for that” (Maupassant 6).

-Mathilde wants to live a life of luxury, wealth, riches, and be of a higher status 
-felt like she deserved these things

“She was prettier than any other woman present, elegant, graceful, smiling and wild with joy” (Maupassant 8).

M= filled w/ joy at the ball
felt like she was living her dream of wealth 
Achieved her dream for a short time


Library Orientation Day 2 (in class 10/21) in Google Classroom

Library Orientation Day 2 (in class 10/21)

We will start this in class on Friday 10/21 and I will give you more time in class to finish the week of 10/24.


OMAM Ch. 3 Close Read (in class 10/18) in Google Classroom

OMAM Ch. 3 Close Read (in class 10/18)

partner or individual work--1 copy per partnership; private comment partner's name who submitted the assignment


OMAM Ch. 1-2 Imagery Response Paragraph  in Google Classroom

OMAM Ch. 1-2 Imagery Response Paragraph


Grade Check + Reflection (in class 10/6) in Google Classroom

Grade Check + Reflection (in class 10/6)


OMAM Ch. 1 Close Read  in Google Classroom

OMAM Ch. 1 Close Read

You may work with a partner or individually. please type your answers in a different color. Be sure to private comment your partner's name!


John Steinbeck Webquest (in class 9/29) in Google Classroom

John Steinbeck Webquest (in class 9/29)


Money Matters "The Necklace" (9/23) in Google Classroom

Money Matters "The Necklace" (9/23)

Work with a paertner. Shared slides. Private comment partner's name.


Theme in "The Necklace" (9/22) in Google Classroom

Theme in "The Necklace" (9/22)


Character Analysis for "The Necklace" (9/20) in Google Classroom

Character Analysis for "The Necklace" (9/20)


"Joy Luck Club" Art Project (in class 9/15) in Google Classroom

"Joy Luck Club" Art Project (in class 9/15)


Joy Luck Club Close Read (in class 9/14) in Google Classroom

Joy Luck Club Close Read (in class 9/14)

Partner activity; make a copy and share it with your partner. Be sure to private comment your partner's name.


What's on My Desk  in Google Classroom

What's on My Desk

Make a copy of the slide deck. Delete unnecessary slides; when you finish you should only have your "desk" and your explanation slide.


Worst Email Ever (in class 9/5) in Google Classroom

Worst Email Ever (in class 9/5)


What Makes a Good Story Cyber Sandwich 8/31 in Google Classroom

What Makes a Good Story Cyber Sandwich 8/31