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2, World History 23-24-2 Period Assignments

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2nd Set of Notes for Middle East in Google Classroom

2nd Set of Notes for Middle East

Instructional video with questions you need to answer, https://watch.screencastify.com/v/tBWHOcRWHLQWTEu7YEkL


3rd Set of Notes for Middle East in Google Classroom

3rd Set of Notes for Middle East

Instructional video with questions you need to answer, https://watch.screencastify.com/v/ZwmeublAZEB9IOCe5mYB


Spoke Diagram for Three Religions in Google Classroom

Spoke Diagram for Three Religions

Complete the Diagrams for each religion and turn in physical copy not digitally.


1st Set of Notes for Middle East in Google Classroom

1st Set of Notes for Middle East

Instructional video with questions you need to answer, https://watch.screencastify.com/v/mxDQCk2LnTz5rLm60nbh


Middle East Quiz in Google Classroom

Middle East Quiz

Take it as many times as you like to get the grade you desire.


Video-Breaking Borders Extra Credit in Google Classroom

Video-Breaking Borders Extra Credit

Please watch the video in class and answer the questions if you want extra credit.


Middle East Quiz in Google Classroom

Middle East Quiz

Take it as many times as you like to get the grade you desire.


Socratic Seminar Observation and resources in Google Classroom

Socratic Seminar Observation and resources

Task 1, participate in class
Task 2, Mark it as done




Middle East Unit Goal in Google Classroom

Middle East Unit Goal


Political Cartoons in Google Classroom

Political Cartoons

Follow the directions on the Google Form.  Please do 3 Political Cartoons.


Cold War-Rock N Roll in Google Classroom

Cold War-Rock N Roll

Please follow the assignments directions.  You will need to be ready to speak about your choice in songs in small groups Friday.


Cold War Visual Metaphor Activity in Google Classroom

Cold War Visual Metaphor Activity

Please turn in a physical copy of your Cold War Metaphor in class


Cold War Socratic Seminar Observation and resources in Google Classroom

Cold War Socratic Seminar Observation and resources

Task 1, participate in class
Task 2, Mark it as done

Central Questions to Discuss
Have you ever had or seen a close relationship that turned into arch enemies?

What do you think is stopping the NATO/Warsaw Alliance System from starting another World War?

What Could cause a Nuclear War today?

Korean & Vietnam Wars


The History of Walls in Google Classroom

The History of Walls

We will watch the two videos in class.  Please read the article and complete the questions on the google form.


Cold War-Word Search in Google Classroom

Cold War-Word Search

Please complete the Cold War word search.  (4 pts)


Video-The Cold War in Google Classroom

Video-The Cold War

Please fill out the video assessment as the video is played in class.  Please submit upon completion.


The Collapse of the Soviet Economy Breakdown  in Google Classroom

The Collapse of the Soviet Economy Breakdown

Please make a copy and answer questions in groups in class.


Video-The Cold War in Google Classroom

Video-The Cold War

Please fill out the video assessment as the video is played in class.  Please submit upon completion.


Current Event in Google Classroom

Current Event

Topics should be on world events especially related to US & Russian current relations.  Please start your search on current event website, https://www.allsides.com/unbiased-balanced-news
Day 1, Current Event Preparations
Students look up a topic and study the subject matter.  Please take notes.  You will need to print out your article for Thursday to present in class to small groups.

Day 2 Presentations

1. Students will be broken down into small groups.
 - There must be at least 3 questions asked by the group about the article. Group discussion.
-  Move to the next person
2. Rotate People/groups

Submitting it
- Each student will make a copy of your doc and submit in Google Classroom


5th Set of Notes on Communist China in Google Classroom

5th Set of Notes on Communist China

Just 7 ?s and really easy to complete in less than 10 minutes


4th Set of Notes for Cold War in Google Classroom

4th Set of Notes for Cold War

Instructional video with questions you need to answer,


3rd Set of Notes for Cold War in Google Classroom

3rd Set of Notes for Cold War

Instructional video with questions you need to answer,


Cold War Maps in Google Classroom

Cold War Maps

 You will be completing the map in person and this digital map is here to help you.
- Make sure that you have all 12 events on your physical map
- All 12 must be placed on the key
- All 12 must have a symbol
- Make sure that you complete the timeline for all 12 events

This will be turned in by hand.  4/11


2nd Set of Notes for Cold War in Google Classroom

2nd Set of Notes for Cold War

Instructional video with questions you need to answer, https://watch.screencastify.com/v/RURxmhJ0QS5H7sS7XqWP


Hotel Rwanda Quiz in Google Classroom

Hotel Rwanda Quiz

Please take and submit the quiz.


Cold War Terms and Names in Google Classroom

Cold War Terms and Names

Please complete 10 slides.  Your choice out of 36 total terms & names.


1st Set of Notes for Cold War in Google Classroom

1st Set of Notes for Cold War

Instructional video with questions you need to answer, https://watch.screencastify.com/v/BL4CBhvbB6HgXnoHs3hT


Cold War Pretest for Extra Credit in Google Classroom

Cold War Pretest for Extra Credit


Cold War Unit Goal in Google Classroom

Cold War Unit Goal


Marginalized People Activity in Google Classroom

Marginalized People Activity


Political Cartoon Analysis in Google Classroom

Political Cartoon Analysis

Tutorial Video right here, https://www.loom.com/share/1ca2e1a48dda43e9bd9acb9b8bcdc73a


Socratic Seminar about WWII in Google Classroom

Socratic Seminar about WWII


Resistance to the Holocaust Activity in Google Classroom

Resistance to the Holocaust Activity

Choose three of the sections to study. 

Tutorial Video right here, https://www.loom.com/share/b4b0cf0ddb35419293392fa9365b643a


2nd Semester Goals in Google Classroom

2nd Semester Goals

Please upload your document with goals on it.


Manifest Destiny vs Lebensraum in Google Classroom

Manifest Destiny vs Lebensraum

Please complete the document as a group.  You should be using your own words.


2nd Set of Notes for World War II in Google Classroom

2nd Set of Notes for World War II

Instructional video with questions you need to answer, https://watch.screencastify.com/v/3TThLyXdrhIR9RUdA1ky


Mussolini Video for Today in Google Classroom

Mussolini Video for Today

Watch the video individually or as a class and fill out the google form video notes



Assignment for Wednesday, Terms and Names for World War II Unit in Google Classroom

Assignment for Wednesday, Terms and Names for World War II Unit

Choose a term provided or add a term from our notes. Complete your 10 slides and please use it to study for our exam. PS, the Quizlet vocabulary is linked below



World War ll Word Search in Google Classroom

World War ll Word Search

Please complete the word search and upload.  Due Wednesday 9:00 pm


1st Set of Notes for World War II in Google Classroom

1st Set of Notes for World War II

Instructional video with questions you need to answer, https://watch.screencastify.com/v/bgmKKbTfI5d4E4rwEz4V


World War II Unit Goal in Google Classroom

World War II Unit Goal


3rd Set of Notes for Russian Revolution in Google Classroom

3rd Set of Notes for Russian Revolution

Instructional video with questions you need to answer, https://watch.screencastify.com/v/UK8i0Bw79aI2YgRoqphk


4th Set of Notes for Russian Revolution in Google Classroom

4th Set of Notes for Russian Revolution

Instructional video with questions you need to answer, https://watch.screencastify.com/v/RjC2t31yNYr5V35CCmGr


2nd Set of Notes for Russian Revolution in Google Classroom

2nd Set of Notes for Russian Revolution

Instructional video with questions you need to answer, https://watch.screencastify.com/v/d1iG4Qyv3RqZ9hPVwxJE


Capitalism vs Socialism in Google Classroom

Capitalism vs Socialism

Please complete the Capitalism vs Communism sheet for better understanding.  Please attach and submit.


Unit 1, Russian Revolution Terms and Names in Google Classroom

Unit 1, Russian Revolution Terms and Names

Terms and Names Instructions  
- Choose 7 of the 40 possible terms/names.
- How to fill out your slide
-- You have to find the definitions for these Terms and the Names of this Unit.

--You can find a picture online that depicts your term or draw something then upload it to your slide (take a picture of it with the Chromebook or your phone)
--Write your term in a complete and rationale sentence
--Write a multiple-choice question for your answer. We might use it in your next exam  ( A. B. C. D)
--Make sure to highlight the right answer
Provided Rubric for Terms and Names



1st Set of Russian Revolution Notes in Google Classroom

1st Set of Russian Revolution Notes

Instructional video with questions you need to answer, https://watch.screencastify.com/v/J7O8mo90et3b6hrsV8dl



Russian Revolution Unit Goal in Google Classroom

Russian Revolution Unit Goal


WWI Socratic Seminar in Google Classroom

WWI Socratic Seminar


Unit 5, WWI Terms and Names in Google Classroom

Unit 5, WWI Terms and Names

Follow the Instructions,
Individually, you will choose 10 slides for you to complete. No need for Quizlet because all the definitions are filled in for you.


1st Set of World War I Notes in Google Classroom

1st Set of World War I Notes

Lecture video here, https://www.loom.com/share/4b0d6e1c772049e096e79646a20cba71


2nd Set of World War I notes in Google Classroom

2nd Set of World War I notes

Lecture video here, https://www.loom.com/share/ccaa446fcb8c40a3936a367f29b56d15


WWI Unit Goal in Google Classroom

WWI Unit Goal


Imperia Dice Game in Google Classroom

Imperia Dice Game

For students absent/out

1. Close Read Document
2. Play dice game with family members/friends (be safe) Please follow directions.
3. Color Map-According to real life  not the dice game. (Mother Countries are in parentheses next to country and point worth).
     Beauty will be part of the maps grade.
Please turn in physical assignment in class Wednesday.  If you are out of class you have until the period we turned it in.  You may upload if you will be out of class.

Due Wed 11/5


Imperialism Socratic Seminar in Google Classroom

Imperialism Socratic Seminar


Unit 4, Imperialism Terms and Names in Google Classroom

Unit 4, Imperialism Terms and Names

Please copy template
Please complete any 8 slides.  Due 12/20
Please make sure there are four possible answers to your exam questions. Highlight the right answer  



2nd Set of Notes for Imperialism in Google Classroom

2nd Set of Notes for Imperialism

Instructional Video here, https://www.loom.com/share/575e6f24d2484f529b710a7d3d94ca74

Remember, you can retake as many times as you want to get the grade you desire.


Imperialism Crossword Puzzle in Google Classroom

Imperialism Crossword Puzzle

Please upload it here


1st Set of Notes for Imperialism in Google Classroom

1st Set of Notes for Imperialism

Instructional Video here,https://www.loom.com/share/1bb15d14d5ad4e249ce39f501c440ff7

Reminder, you can retake as many times as you want to get the grade you desire.


3rd Set of Notes for Industrial Revolution in Google Classroom

3rd Set of Notes for Industrial Revolution

Instructional Video here, https://www.loom.com/share/e9846b9c29254fccb34f86a80fe21cd2

Notes Right here, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WhEQJR-a0qja68LoKPEN8eBlu3Csk_2njMoqbTDIStU/edit?usp=sharing


Imperialism Unit Goal in Google Classroom

Imperialism Unit Goal

As we get back into the school and look forward to our exam on Monday, please complete the Unit Goal. This reminder to complete your Sets of Notes online too.


Industrial Revolution Word Search in Google Classroom

Industrial Revolution Word Search

Please complete and submit.


Industrial Revolution Unit Goal in Google Classroom

Industrial Revolution Unit Goal

As we get back into the school and look forward to our exam on Monday, please complete the Unit Goal. This reminder to complete your Sets of Notes online too.


Unit 3, industrial Revolution Terms and Names in Google Classroom

Unit 3, industrial Revolution Terms and Names

Follow the Instructions, things have changed a little.


2nd Set of Notes for Industrial Revolution in Google Classroom

2nd Set of Notes for Industrial Revolution

Instructional Video here, https://www.loom.com/share/25dda07bed164b20b97f022a6e424881

Notes right here, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WhEQJR-a0qja68LoKPEN8eBlu3Csk_2njMoqbTDIStU/edit?usp=sharing


1st Set of Notes for Industrial Revolution in Google Classroom

1st Set of Notes for Industrial Revolution

Instructional Video here,https://www.loom.com/share/a239317afcf64230a8a0a3dd7dd41111


French Revolution Socratic Seminar in Google Classroom

French Revolution Socratic Seminar


1st Notes of French Revolution in Google Classroom

1st Notes of French Revolution

Instructional Video linked here, https://www.loom.com/share/568161bfe24649e2899f3d0311dbc3dc
- Make sure that you watch it and highlight and fill in the blanks


2nd Set of Notes for French Revolution in Google Classroom

2nd Set of Notes for French Revolution

Instructional Video here, https://www.loom.com/share/99030739c13f447abfc4b876481ff8b3


Stage 3 Simulation Reflection in Google Classroom

Stage 3 Simulation Reflection

Complete this reflection after the class simulation

Edit your response and choose Stage 3 on the Google form


3rd Set of Notes for French Revolution in Google Classroom

3rd Set of Notes for French Revolution

Instructional Video here, https://www.loom.com/share/0e0aee7bfff844c4a9d5c2f567b4be11


Stage 2 Simulation Reflection in Google Classroom

Stage 2 Simulation Reflection

Complete this reflection after the class simulation


French Revolution Unit Goal in Google Classroom

French Revolution Unit Goal


French Revolution Crossword Puzzle in Google Classroom

French Revolution Crossword Puzzle

Please find all 20 words. Your name and period need to be on the document.
1. Download to a computer and use editing tools. Finish and attach to Google Class.
2. Download and print hard copy. Take picture of your finished document. Attach to Google Class.


Stoic Video Assignment, Stockdale Paradox in Google Classroom

Stoic Video Assignment, Stockdale Paradox

Please fill out the google form during your viewing.  This is due Thursday.


Unit 2, French Revolution Terms and Names in Google Classroom

Unit 2, French Revolution Terms and Names


Stage 1 Simulation Reflection in Google Classroom

Stage 1 Simulation Reflection

Complete this reflection after the class simulation


How to learn something faster in Google Classroom

How to learn something faster

Please complete the Padlet today after watching the video/reading the article

Start by thinking of a specific subject you want to learn faster, like a language or a musical skill. You need something specific for this four-step process to make sense.TO LEARN ANYTHING FASTER, JUST REMEMBER FAST.THE F IN FAST STANDS FOR FORGET.
If you want to speed up ‘kwik brain,’ you must temporarily forget three things.
Forget what you already know about the subject. A lot of people don’t learn faster because they feel like they already know the information. But your mind is like a parachute; it only works when it’s open.
Forget about anything that’s not urgent and important. You can’t multitask. If your brain is thinking about 4 different things, you’re not fully present – so you won’t learn ‘kwik’ly.
Forget your limitations. These are beliefs like your memory isn’t good, or you’re a slow reader, or you don’t have the right education to learn. But if you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them. Your memory isn’t fixed, and it is possible to remember hundreds of words and numbers the way I do onstage.
In school, we were taught to learn by consuming information quietly. But you don’t learn by being lectured to. You learn by creating information and being active in the process.
Learning is NOT a spectator sport.
How can you be more active in your learning?
Ask questions.
Take notes.
The more active you are, the more you will learn.
Your state is a snapshot of your mood – the mood of your mind and your body. It’s the emotional well-being that you feel in that exact moment.
Information combined with emotion becomes a long-term memory.
Many of us don’t remember what we learned in school because the umbrella emotion for most people in school was boredom.
You are the only person in control of your state.
How can you improve your state?
Change your posture or your body or breathing.
Sit or stand the way you would if you were totally energized.
Think about how you’ll benefit from the information.
All learning is state-dependent. Choose states of joy, fascination, and curiosity.
Sell your cleverness for bewilderment – Rumi.
If you want to cut your learning curve in half, learn with the intention of teaching it to somebody else.
If you had to give a presentation on what you’re learning today, you would learn it differently. You would pay closer attention. You would take more detailed notes. You would ask better questions.
When I teach something, I get to learn it twice.
People often say that those who can’t do teach. But I never saw that as a negative. I always thought, wow, if I can’t do something, I can teach it, and then I can do it.


How to learn something faster in Google Classroom

How to learn something faster

Please complete the Padlet today after watching the video/reading the article

Start by thinking of a specific subject you want to learn faster, like a language or a musical skill. You need something specific for this four-step process to make sense.TO LEARN ANYTHING FASTER, JUST REMEMBER FAST.THE F IN FAST STANDS FOR FORGET.
If you want to speed up ‘kwik brain,’ you must temporarily forget three things.
Forget what you already know about the subject. A lot of people don’t learn faster because they feel like they already know the information. But your mind is like a parachute; it only works when it’s open.
Forget about anything that’s not urgent and important. You can’t multitask. If your brain is thinking about 4 different things, you’re not fully present – so you won’t learn ‘kwik’ly.
Forget your limitations. These are beliefs like your memory isn’t good, or you’re a slow reader, or you don’t have the right education to learn. But if you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them. Your memory isn’t fixed, and it is possible to remember hundreds of words and numbers the way I do onstage.
In school, we were taught to learn by consuming information quietly. But you don’t learn by being lectured to. You learn by creating information and being active in the process.
Learning is NOT a spectator sport.
How can you be more active in your learning?
Ask questions.
Take notes.
The more active you are, the more you will learn.
Your state is a snapshot of your mood – the mood of your mind and your body. It’s the emotional well-being that you feel in that exact moment.
Information combined with emotion becomes a long-term memory.
Many of us don’t remember what we learned in school because the umbrella emotion for most people in school was boredom.
You are the only person in control of your state.
How can you improve your state?
Change your posture or your body or breathing.
Sit or stand the way you would if you were totally energized.
Think about how you’ll benefit from the information.
All learning is state-dependent. Choose states of joy, fascination, and curiosity.
Sell your cleverness for bewilderment – Rumi.
If you want to cut your learning curve in half, learn with the intention of teaching it to somebody else.
If you had to give a presentation on what you’re learning today, you would learn it differently. You would pay closer attention. You would take more detailed notes. You would ask better questions.
When I teach something, I get to learn it twice.
People often say that those who can’t do teach. But I never saw that as a negative. I always thought, wow, if I can’t do something, I can teach it, and then I can do it.


The Enlightenment Quiz in Google Classroom

The Enlightenment Quiz


Socratic Seminar Observation and resources in Google Classroom

Socratic Seminar Observation and resources


Crossword Puzzle-The Enlightenment in Google Classroom

Crossword Puzzle-The Enlightenment

Please submit your crossword puzzle page only.  There is time is class to do the crossword puzzle.

Thank you,

Mr. Mounce


Hobbes & Locke Assignment in Google Classroom

Hobbes & Locke Assignment

Please follow the directions below. You will only do one set of questions. Your last name will dictate what questions you do.

O Period
A-G Hobbes
H-Z Locke

1st Period
A-G Hobbes
H-Z Locke

2nd Period
A-I Hobbes
J-Z Locke

3rd Period
A-O Hobbes
P-Z Locke

Critical Thinking Questions

Does a person's experiences create their views in life?

How does this lead to a society where people find consensus?

Ie. Hobbes-English Civil War 

Who has the right to rule in an organized society?

If men could govern themselves, why would there be a need for government? (Hobbes)

What is the role of the state?

What are some things today we celebrate from Locke's ideas?


Scientific Revolution/Democracy In England Quiz in Google Classroom

Scientific Revolution/Democracy In England Quiz


7 Main Ideas of Stoicism Quiz in Google Classroom

7 Main Ideas of Stoicism Quiz

Please complete and submit.


Stoicism Project in Google Classroom

Stoicism Project

Create something that represents one of the major concepts of Stoicism.  (4 Major Virtues) (7 Main Ideas)
Choose one concept and create something that embodies on of these 11 major concepts of Stoicism.  Please be creative.  It can be art or woodwork, fashion, songs, poems, jewelry, accessories, ornaments or anything you can come with.  Please feel free to ask me about any ideas you may have.  

Questions to ask yourself.  Which one of the 11 have the biggest impact in my personal growth?  Is there a story behind it to inspire you?


Unit 1 Quiz, Reform and Renaissance in Google Classroom

Unit 1 Quiz, Reform and Renaissance


Digital Villains in Google Classroom

Digital Villains

Please complete the Padlet question.  Answers should be in complete sentences.  (3-4 Sentences)


Machiavelli-The Prince in Google Classroom

Machiavelli-The Prince

Please watch videos, complete the 6 questions  on the Google Form, critical thinking question on padlet.  Please put effort into your answers.

Your reading is from page R50  (back of your textbook) The Prince.


7 Stoic Main Ideas in Google Classroom

7 Stoic Main Ideas

Please watch the 7 Ideas of Stoicism (9 Min)  (Google Form).
 Due 9/23


Governance Socratic Seminar in Google Classroom

Governance Socratic Seminar

Link to central question, https://padlet.com/mpederson2/wh-can-people-be-trusted-to-govern-themselves-9p2zqzj3997e


Unit 1 Greece & Rome Quiz in Google Classroom

Unit 1 Greece & Rome Quiz

Please complete and submit form.


Terms and Names Assignment in Google Classroom

Terms and Names Assignment

Follow the Instructions on the Document.