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ELA II (Period 4)


9-26-19 Mrs. Shimasaki

Overview of rhetorical devices: ethos, pathos, logos
Read Vonnegut’s letter to the principal and annotate for persuasive techniques. 
HW: Finish up to pg. 48 of F451

9-24-19 Mrs. Shimasaki

Reading Quiz on pgs. 1-28
EQ Tracker review and practice
F451 pg. 10-11
HW: Work on reading pgs. 29-48

9-23-19 Mrs. Shimasaki

Review for quiz tomorrow.
Make writing journals.
Review theses and respond to the prompt: How does Bradbury use literary devices to provide characterization for Guy Montag?
HW: Study for quiz
Continue reading p. 28-48

9-20-19 Mrs. Shimasaki

Review "The Hearth and the Salamander"
Characterization of Montag and Clarisse
Workbook page 10
HW: Reading (up to page 28) due MONDAY. Quiz on TUESDAY.

9-19-19 Mrs. Shimasaki

Finish "2081"
Discuss "Harrison Bergeron" and the connections with "2081"
Context for Fahrenheit 451
HW: Finish F451 up through page 28. Be prepared to discuss these pages in class on Monday,

9-18-19 Mrs. Shimasaki

Imagery from F451. Pick your favorite use of imagery from the first paragraph and copy the quote onto page 2 and illustrate your interpretation.
Discuss Guy Montag and his profession.
Begin "2081" film.
HW: Keep up with your reading for F451. Reading (up to page 28) is due Monday; quiz on Tuesday.

9-17-19 Mrs. Shimasaki

Continue "Harrison Bergeron"
Compare/contrast "HB" with other dystopian short stories
Group discussions on "HB"
HW: Start reading Fahrenheit 451. First quiz on Sept. 24 on pages 1-28.

9-16-19 Mrs. Shimasaki

Book Check
Read and annotate "Harrison Bergeron"
Literary Device chart for "Harrison Bergeron"
HW: Finish reading "HB" and filling out the literary device chart
Bring both to class tomorrow

9-13-19 Mrs. Shimasaki

Portfolio Run
Discuss Jimenez' epigraph for Fahrenheit 451 and the possible implications for the theme of the novel
HW: Pick up Fahrenheit 451 from the school library (or bring your own) to have in class by Monday the 16th.

9-12-19 Mrs. Shimasaki

Review "The Pedestrian".
Go over imagery chart from yesterday.
Choose theme kernel to write a theme, then write a thesis on the theme for "The Pedestrian" (must include title, author, and your argument).
HW: If not finished in class, complete your theme kernel, thesis statement, and thesis.

9-11-19 Mrs. Shimasaki

Dystopia vs Utopia discussion
Read "The Pedestrian"
Annotate for imagery and theme kernels
HW: Complete imagery chart for "The Pedestrian"