A Champion has been crowned! Riley Bonet became the first champion of El Dorado's "Rock, Paper, Scissors Thanksgiving Tournament."
Science Department Eureka Awards Each month science teachers select students as recipients of the Eureka Award. Every instructor has the opportunity to choose a student from each course of study he or she teaches. The award may be given for scholastic achievement, classroom leadership, or exemplary behavior.
OC Teacher of the Year Ceremony at Disneyland Sunshine Cavalluzzi was honored as the Orange County High School Teacher of the Year at the Disneyland Hotel on Tuesday, November 1st. Congratulations Sunshine!
Financial Aid Night Financial Aid Night will be held on Wednesday, October 26th. The presentation will start at 7:00 p.m. in the theater. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn everything you need to know about paying for college! Everyone is welcome!
SSC: Parent Representative Vote October 20th Thank you to all who responded and were willing to serve on the School Site Council. Please Click on the link below to view information about the final four parent volunteers. You will receive a phone message to cast your vote on Thursday, October 20th.
Special Bell Schedule November 4th: Hall of Fame Assembly On Friday, November 4th, El Dorado will induct more Golden Hawk legends into the Hall of Fame. This special assembly celbrates the spirit of El Dorado.